
About us

Gainsborough CAMRA is one of the smallest branches in terms of numbers in the country with around 120 members. However we have an enthusiastic, active membership with our monthly meetings being well attended and we like to think that we are also one of the friendliest branches.

The branch was initially established as a sub-branch to Lincoln in 1995 with full branch status following a couple of years later. Without doubt the impetus for the set-up and expansion of the branch came from the opening of the Eight Jolly Brewers pub in the town by the late Alex Craig in 1994. Before this, Gainsborough was a relative desert in terms of real ale outlets.

After a gap of 10 years we held a beer and folk festival in conjunction with Gainsborough Folk Club in October 2009. This was held in the spectacular surroundings of Gainsborough Old Hall, a 15th century medieval manor house, and we believe it to be the only festival in the country held in an English Heritage building. The event was a terrific success and has been followed by twelve more highly successful festivals which are now an established part of the town's local calendar. This year we have had to move to a new venue which is The Blues Club, the home of Gainsborough Trinity Football Club.

Our monthly meetings are held in different pubs around the area with a view to 'spreading the word' about CAMRA and the aims of the campaign to a wider audience. All members are of course welcome and if you are reading this as a non-member we would be delighted if you came along and saw what we are about - details of our meetings are shown on the 'Branch Diary' page. The 'Other Events' page also gives details of related events in and around our area.

Please also see the 'Contact us' page for details of the branch officials who will be pleased to answer any queries. We would also be pleased to receive any feedback regarding the site and any suggestions for improvement will be carefully considered.